Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I've Been Mooned

Last Saturday (March 19th) the moon was at it's closest point to earth and was also a full moon which is the rare part.  This event will not occur for another 20 years.  So it was off to take a picture of the moon rise and hopefully catch the moon between the mountain peaks.

This was the result after trying a few "free-handed" shots.  (Where did I put that tripod, dear?) Use of a tripod is always highly recommended when taking low light photos.  And yes, this photo is "photoshopped" (manipulated)  because it had the light reflecting inside the lens.  This causes a "pentagon" shaped glob of light that is quite distracting to the viewer.

Earlier in the day, the Tumbleweed Photo Group held an Art & Photography show.  Sales were not as good as we could have hoped for but the economy is still not in the greatest shape.  We did, however,  have several people stop and look which is vital to name recognition with the public.

Ray O'Neal


  1. Good moon shot, Ray! We had planned to be out getting a similar picture as the moon moved up over the Dragoon Mountains. But an active busy day came along and made us forget the opportinity to get "mooned." So glad you got a good picture and shared it with us.

  2. Nice job on the Moon Ray. On the Lunar Moon I mean. Wasn't there some kind of a hippy thing we hung in our cars back in the 60's called a Moon Ray. Or were they Moon Ray hub caps. Oh well. Am I recognizing the Swiss Helm Mountains in that photo. I was at the end of a long frustrating travel day so was too tired to haul the camera's outside. Ya did good fer sure:))

  3. Note to Bayfield Bunch:
    Al, we live at the southern end of the Dragoon Mountains. On the other side of those two mountains is the Sulphur Springs Valley and the Swiss Helms would be, of course, across the other side of the valley. Take it easy on those long drives, my friend.

